Hi There! Here's a little about me...

I'm a mom of 4. I'm a firm believer in Christ. And my super power is curiosity. I found life coaching when I was tired of carrying the burden of shame and not being enough.

I was stuck. And I wanted more from my life.

When I discovered the tools of life management and intentional thought, my brain blew up, in a good way.

I found the tools I was missing to take back my power and create more love, joy and peace in my life.

It's my life mission to share those tools now with you.

Are You Ready?

We're going to dive into your soul.

We're going to uncover you, what you want, what you value, what makes you spark.

As a mom, I know how easy it is to get lost. You serve and assist others, you support your spouses dreams. You fight for your kid's talents and goals and opportunities. You fiercely cheer on the ambitions of others in your circle.

But what about you?

Where did you go?

We're going to find you.

It's your turn to shine.

Because you matter.

Example Curriculum

  Welcome! This first week is all about understanding your identity and how it shows up in the way you can act and react.
Available in days
days after you enroll

Seek and Find YOU Course and Communtiy

Good Questions Create Good Answers

Through this course you will dig deep by answering questions about you.

There are lessons through out the course, worksheets and videos.

You will have the opportunity to join my Facebook community where you can ask questions, share your insights and get support.